Times Tables
Times Tables in Year 3
Times Tables Ethos
At Talbot we believe that all children can learn their times tables and develop a conceptual understanding of multiplication by the end of Year 4. We aim to develop automaticity rather than memorisation. Memorisation refers to committing times table facts to memory so that thinking is unnecessary. Automaticity, on the other hand, relies on thinking. Answers to times table facts become automatic, but thinking about the relationships between the facts is critical. With automaticity, children are encouraged to make connections between related facts which will help them to remember them. For example, a child who has developed automaticity may think of 9 x 6 as (10 x 6) – 6.
Times Tables Homework
Through Year 3 we seek to consolidate the times tables learned in KS1 (2x, 5x & 10x) and then introduce and consolidate the 3x, 4x and 8x tables. See below the progression pupils will make through the year.
As part of their home learning, children in KS2 are expected to practise their times tables on TT Rockstars for a minimum of 15 minutes per week. TTRS is an intuitive and will steadily progress pupils through their times tables as they improve their accuracey. However, sometimes teachers may designate the tables set for some pupils.