Term 4 (Spring 2)
Our next two Maths units this year will be: Shape and Addition and Subtraction of Two Digit Numbers (2). In Year 2 we follow the NCETM Curriculum Map. More information on this can be found here: NCETM Curriculum Map
Pupils will also undertake Mastering Number sessions four times a week with their class teacher. These sessions focus on subitising, numerical composition and some addition and subtraction facts.
In Writing, pupils will begin by looking at Edward Lear's The Owl & The Pussycat. We will be looking at the original text through an updated copy of the text with illustrations from Charlotte Voake. Children explore the themes of the poem, write in role as the characters, create fictitious interviews, create lists of items they can take on their honeymoon and eventually innovate upon the poem to create their own versions.
Following this, we will look at Tadpole's Promise by Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross, which is always a favourite amongst our pupils. To begin with, children write their own promises on lily pads to float in their class pond and record a simple explanation of a process of change they are familiar with. Children go on to re-enact sections of the story and consider the thoughts of the characters at certain points. This is in preparation for them to plan and write their own version of the narrative using characters of their choice (who also meet a grizzly ending!). Using information from the text children also create an explanation text in leaflet form to outline the stages in the lifecycle of a frog.
Little Wandle (Phonics & Spelling)
Pupils will continue the Little Wandle Year 2 Spelling scheme. Those that require further phonics teaching will recap gaps in their phonic knowledge instead.
Below shows the spelling rules we will cover this term, as well as our 'prickly spellings' and homophones we will teach.
This term, all children will begin to take part in whole class reading sessions where we will be looking at the book Too Small Tola by Atinuke. The story is a beautifully written chapter book which provides a window in to the life of Tola, a young Nigerian girl who lives in Lagos.
We will continue to send Little Wandle books home for reading but these will not have been looked at in school as will have been the case in previous terms.
Our Geography topic this term is Islands and our key question is – “Is it better to live on an island than the mainland?”. Pupils will learn about the features of an island whilst also looking at the positives and negative aspects of living on an island. The topic will begin with pupils designing their own islands and gradually adapting these through the term as the needs of their 'inhabitants' change. Pupils will need to consider how to feed, entertain and educate the people who will on their island. Pupils will also look at Brownsea Island as a case study and we will visit the island later in the term.
In Science, we are continuing our Living Things and Their Habitats topic which began last half term. Through this topic pupils will answer the key question – “Why do organisms live where they do?” Pupils will draw comparisons between different living organisms and learn key vocabulary such as ecosystem, habitat, environment and ecology. They will work scientifically to classify and record their finding. They will also investigate how conditions affect the number and type of organisms that live in an area.
In DT, pupils will be investigating levers and sliders as part of our mechanisms topic. They will perform product research on toys with moving parts in order develop their knowledge of how they work before they design and make their own nature-inspired moving displays which will be showcased at this year's Arts Evening.
Religion & Worldviews
In our R&W topic this term, we will focus on XXXXXXXXXXX and answer the question “XXXXXXXXXXX?”
In PSHE our topic is Money and Work. Pupils will learn about looking after money as well as the difference between needs and wants.
Further to this, pupils will also have visits from the NSPCC to discuss staying safe and a special assembly from AFC Bournemouth around online safety.
This term our PE days are: Tuesday and Thursday
On these days can your child please come to school wearing their PE kit.
Our PE focusses for the term are Athletics and Netball
Below is a copy of our full timetable this term:
Knowledge Organisers
Please find below the Knowledge Organisers for this term's learning which include subject specific vocabulary and key concepts that our pupils will study.