Spring 1
Spring 1: Weekly Timetable (Example)
What are we learning about this term?
Term 3 (Spring 1) 2025
Spring 1
This term, pupils will build on their knowledge of numbers to 1000. We will start by learning about right angles and shape. Then we will continue to secure mental calculations and strategies.
Our times table focus for this term will continue to be recapping the 3x and introducing the 4x whilst also reviewing the 2x, 5x and 10x.
Our literary theme this term is ‘Disaster, Hope & Healing’, this theme will be explored through the texts; The Pied Piper of Hamelin by Robert Browning, as well as an updated version by Michael Morpurgo. Pupils will also study Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit and a non-fiction text called Earth Shattering Events by Robin Jacobs and Sophie Williams. Pupils will have the opportunity to read, discuss and share opinions on the texts whilst also having the opportunity to respond to the text through their creative writing. This will include retellings of stories, inferring characters feelings and writing letters in role.
In geography, the children will be learning about Mountains. They will learn about how fold mountain and volcanic mountains are formed. They will also recap their prior learning about the United Kingdom and learn about the tallest mountains in the UK.
In Science we will be learning about rocks. This topic will look at how rocks are formed, why they are different, how we can classify them and how the rock cycle plays a part in this.
In Art, pupils will learn about Italian renaissance pottery and then create their own pots which will be decorated using the sgraffito technique.
This term our PE days are:
Wednesday and Friday.
On these days your child must come to school wearing their PE kit. Friday will be swimming so please refer to the timetable below.
Swimming Timetable |
10.01 |
17.01 |
24.01 |
31.01 |
07.02 |
14.02 |
3DJ |
3CV |
3GB |
3DJ |
3CV |
3GB |
3GB |
3DJ |
3CV |
3GB |
3DJ |
3CV |
This term will also see the pupils begin learning Spanish. They will begin by learning basic greetings as well as numbers and colours.