Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
If you need to contact your child's teacher, please do so via the Class Dojo App.
Teachers will only be able to respond to messages between 8am and 5pm.
We will always aim to respond as quickly as possible.
Welcome to Year 5!
The teachers in Year 5 are so excited for the year ahead and are here to help you achieve your goals this year. This is a particularly important time for you at Talbot as we are preparing you for Year 6.
In Spring 1, PE will be on Fridays only.
Spring 2: Weekly Timetable
Spring 2 Swimming Timetable
Meet the Teacher!
Click on the link below to access slides from the Meet the Teacher evening on Monday 16th September 2024.
Meet the Teacher
Trips and Events
'The Night at the Museum'
Thursday 28th November 2024. You will receive a letter informing you of the details and full cost of the trip in September 2024.
All payments must be made via the My Child at School app (MCAS).
The Soul Food Cafe
The Soul Food Café will be the culmination of several units of work which our Year 5 children have been working on over the last few weeks: a Year 5 history topic about Civil Rights in the USA; a Blues unit in Music; a DT unit, ‘from 1800s to today’.
The Soul Food Cafe is provisionally planned for Tuesday 11th February 2025, from 4.00p.m. and will be finishing at 5.30p.m.
Parents will have the opportunity to try a delicious, nutritious meal, prepared by our Year 5 children, which can be easily replicated at home.
Year 5 children will be performing a range of things, including blues songs, poetry, a famous speech, and celebrating some key figures in the campaign for civil rights in the USA.
We will be only able to cater for one parent, due to the size limitations in the school hall.
Tickets for the Soul Food Café will be available at the front office closer to the time, which will cover the cost of the food. This can be paid in cash at the front office.
Bourne Academy
Year 5 will be attending a “Taster Day” at Bourne Academy.
The children will have the opportunity to see what a Year 7 day will be like and will take part in some lessons during the day.
We have attended these taster days in the past and the children always thoroughly enjoy themselves and experience first-hand what secondary school is like. They will also have the opportunity to talk to pupils, ask questions and be escorted around the site on the day.
A trip to the Isle of Purbeck
In the summer term, parents will receive a letter with details of dates and costs for this class trip. During the trip, we will be taking the school minibuses over to the Isle of Purbeck to study some examples of coastal erosion, which the children will be learning in their Year 5 summer term Geography unit.
Year 5 Homework Expectations
15 games of Times table Rockstars - Being fluent in the 1-12 times tables is absolutely key to the Upper Key Stage 2 curriculum and therefore it is vital that all Y5 children engage with TTRS regularly. Once Rock Hero Status has been achieved, a discussion with the class teacher can be had on next steps.
15 games of Spelling Shed
In Year 5, children will continue to be set reading targets using the Accelerated Reader diagnostic assessments. Class teachers will monitor this throughout the school year, supporting children to achieve their personal targets by reading with them, encouraging them to read independently, and recommending books.
Reading to an adult at home has a huge impact on a child's ability to read with fluency and prosody so please read with your child as much as possible.
We would like all children to read at least 5 times a week.
What are we learning about this half-term?
Click on the pictures below to learn more about what we do each half term?
Curriculum Overview 2024/25
Work in Progress