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Term 2 (Autumn 2)


Our next Maths units will be: Fluently Add and Subtract Within 10Addition and Subtraction of Two Digit Numbers (1) and we will also begin our Introduction to Multiplication unit. In Year 2 we follow the NCETM Curriculum Map. More information on this can be found here: NCETM Curriculum Map

Pupils will also undertake Mastering Number sessions four times a week with their class teacher. These sessions focus on subitising, numerical composition and some addition and subtraction facts. Through this term we will also be looking at using a Rekenrek as an effective resource. You can find out more about Rekenreks here: What is a Rekenrek?


In Writing, we will first be looking at The Journey Home by Fran Preston-Gannon this wonderful text has themes of friendships, conservation and starts to explore whether we can escape the issues that endangered animals face on a day-to-day basis. Children create fact files on endangered animals as well as writing short persuasive pieces on why we need to save a particular endangered animal. Children will be able to identify how a sentence is formed by its grammatical structure as a question, a command, a statement or an exclamation. Children will be encouraged to edit work, being aware of tense and word choice. Word classes (nouns/verbs/adjectives) will be referred to throughout. This text is always a favourite amongst our pupils.

Our second text of the term is House Held Up By Trees by Ted Kooser. In this planning sequence, our pupils will explore the themes of the narrative, and produce descriptive non-fiction writing in different forms, such as writing the life-cycle of seeds, seed packets, estate agents and newspaper reports. This text is illustrated by Jon Klassen who wrote I Want My Hat Back and How Does Santa Go Down The Chimney - two texts they will have looked at in Year 1.

Little Wandle (Phonics & Spelling)

Pupils will begin the Little Wandle 'Bridge to Spelling' scheme which prepares them for the Spelling lessons which will begin next term. Those that require further phonics teaching will recap gaps in their phonic knowledge instead.

The table below details the weekly focusses of our sessions this half term.


We will also continue the Little Wandle reading groups which will run 3 times a week. TheseBig Cat for Little Wandle Fluency: Levels 1 to 10 Complete Set sessions will focus on decoding, prosody and comprehension. At the end of the week, pupils will bring home the book they have been reading to share with those at home. Home reading should be an opportunity for your child to show you the skills they have learnt in their Reading sessions that week.

Many pupils will now be reading books from the Little Wandle Fluency scheme - longer chapter books which stretch our pupils knowledge of vocabulary and extend their weekly 'reading miles'. These books are a perfect stepping stone which build on the previous scheme used whilst preparing our pupils for reading longer books in KS2.


Our Geography topic this term is The Beach and our key question is – What are the human and physical features of the seaside?”. The topic will use Bournemouth and its tourism industry as a case study while introducing vocabulary such as landscape and settlement. Pupils will identify features of the coast, both human and physical. We also hope to visit Bournemouth Beach this term for our pupils to identify the features they have learnt about.

Bournemouth Beach - Visitor Information & Facilities | Dorset Guide


We will be continuing our Everyday Materials topic this half term. Through this topic pupils will answer the key question – “Why should I use this material?” Pupils will engage with a number of different materials, determining and describing qualities while considering potential uses.


In Art, pupils will refine their painting skills. They will learn about mixing paint as well as using white, grey and black to create tints, tones and shades. They will learn about warm and cool colours as well as which colours are primary and which are secondary. We will also look at the work of Paul Klee.


Religion & Worldviews

In our R&W topic this term, we will focus on Christmas and answer the question “Why do Christians believe God gave Jesus to the world?”



In PSHE our topic is Relationsips. Through this topic pupils will look at what constitutes a safe relationship as well as learning about respect, how it is shown to other and also how to respect ourselves.



This term our PE days are Monday and Tuesday.

Monday - Swimming 

Tuesday - Dance with Mr Bartram

So that pupils get a good amount of time in the pool, only 2 classes will swim each week. Please see the timetable to the right for when your child's class is swimming.

Please can children wear their PE kit to school every Monday and Tuesday next term but only bring swim kit on the weeks that their class is swimming.

Swim Kit should include: Swimming costume (no bikinis), a towel, a swim cap and a plastic bag for wet costumes. Pupils are welcome to bring goggles but these are not mandatory.



Knowledge Organisers

Please find below the Knowledge Organisers for this term's learning which include subject specific vocabulary and key concepts that our pupils will study.